Friday, March 1, 2013

Money Woes!

So it's been about two months since we moved and I have been fortunate enough to be in a prime situation where I can attempt to make a living off of my own abilities. Though I think my hopes were too high in that nothing has sold yet... I wasn't expecting anything to sell THAT day but it's a little discouraging. I think maybe I just need more stuff up there, I'm not ready to give up hope yet!

I have sort of distanced myself from the hobby community wise as well, I was always more of a lurker but I would stalk updates and forums obsessively. Now it's just a glance here and there and when that cool limited doll comes up, I either don't know about it or it doesn't even click for me. There are only two dolls right now that I'd really like to purchase but I have no job at the moment. I have thoughts of culling my current hoard but I have problems letting go. I feel like my collection should be smaller and that it would make it easier for me to clothe and properly enjoy them but there's sentiment attached to each one.

At least not having any money is pulling me back from my impulse buy habits, now when I see something shiny, I think harder about it and 9 times out of 10 just walk away. I think buying things was my way of coping with stress I had in my life and now that the stress is gone, I no longer need that. I can browse online shops and not worry about "needing" things. It's sort of liberating.

A few weeks back, I introduced my roommate to the magic that is photographing dolls. She has a very nice camera and she's trying to go pro with it and when the sun finally came out, wanted to go take pictures with everyone. I brought Saber along and she had fun shooting her, especially since Saber will do any pose she wants without coaxing (unlike human models). I also took pictures but have yet to edit them but when I do, I'll put them up. It shows Saber in her new wig and cloak!

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